SpeechAnalytics Installation Onprem

Modified on Wed, 5 Mar at 3:04 PM

This guide outlines the steps for installing SpeechAnalytics OnPrem:


1. A Kubernetes environment is available

2. Update all OneContact components to the versions specified in the latest release notes. (here)

3. Ensure both RabbitMQ and ElasticSearch services are up and running.


  • CPU: >= 2 cores
  • RAM: >= 8GB
  • Disk: SSD >= 128GB
  • Details

Steps for Installation

1. Unzip the SpeechAnalytics installation file to a directory of your choice.

2. Navigate to the unzipped folder and locate the directory named "helm". Open a command line inside the "helm" folder, as all the following commands will be executed from this location.

3. Create the speech-analytics namespace by running the command:
kubectl create namespace speech-analytics

4. Create the required secrets:

  • Image Pull Secret:
    Create a secret to access Collab’s Image Repository for fetching SpeechAnalytics images. Replace "!!!CHANGEME!!!" with the password or token provided by Collab.
    kubectl -n speech-analytics create secret docker-registry azure-dockerconfigjson --docker-server=collabrdregistry.azurecr.io --docker-username=dockerpull --docker-password="!!!CHANGEME!!!"

  • SQL Secret:
    Create a secret for the SQL password. Replace "[MY SQL PASSWORD]" with the correct value.
    kubectl -n speech-analytics create secret generic sql-speechanalytics --from-literal=password="[MY SQL PASSWORD]"

  • ElasticSearch Secret:
    Create a secret for the ElasticSearch username and password. Replace "[MY ELASTIC PASSWORD]" and "[MY ELASTIC USERNAME]" with the appropriate credentials.
    kubectl -n speech-analytics create secret generic elastic-creds --from-literal=password="[MY ELASTIC PASSWORD]" --from-literal=username="[MY ELASTIC USERNAME]"

5. Configure the values.yaml file by setting the following parameters:

  • mainConfig.discovery.systemId
  • mainConfig.discovery.url
  • mainConfig.onecontact.OneContactSystemID
  • mainConfig.elasticsearch.secret.namespace
  • mainConfig.ingresses.host
  • mainConfig.ingresses.paths.frontend
  • mainConfig.ingresses.paths.recordings
  • mainConfig.sqlServer.hangfireDb.dataSource
  • mainConfig.sqlServer.speechAnalyticsDb.dataSource
  • components.frontend.config.pathBase
  • components.gatewayApi.config.recordingBaseUrl
  • components.recordingApi.config.pathBase

6. Check the values.yaml file for correctness, then install using Helm:
helm upgrade --install speech-analytics ./chart -n speech-analytics

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